Daily Horoscope, એપ્લિકેશન પરથી તમારી જન્માક્ષર મેળવો

Use the Daily Horoscope app to get your horoscope. The best horoscope app available! More than ten million users

Daily Horoscope


Horoscope for the day (including the one for tomorrow)

Weekly forecast

Monthly forecast

Simple horoscope launch divider

Horoscope compatibility with zodiac signs

Chinese annual forecasts for 2022 and 2023

Zodiac annual predictions for 2022 and 2023

Druid astrology

The option to go back one week (or longer with a subscription) by scrolling up.

You can set up daily horoscope reminders in the app’s settings.

Personalized font size, colors, and themes (modify in “Settings”)

Use the “Favorites” feature to save your favorite daily horoscopes.

Allow the app to customize your experience by logging in.

If you are logged in, you will never lose your saved favorites.

READ ALSO ::  રાશિભવિસ્ય

1. આજનું વૃષભ રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

2. આજનું મેષ રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

3. આજનું મીથુન રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

4. આજનું કર્ક રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

5. આજનું સિંહ રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

6. આજનું કન્યા રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

7. આજનું  તુલા રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

8. આજનું વૃષિક રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

9. આજનું ધન રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

10. આજનું મકર રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો

11. આજનું મીન રાશી ફળ અહિંથી વાંચો


આજનું રાશિફળ જાણવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

Zodiac Predictions

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are among the zodiac sun signs that we cover.

Chinese Zodiac

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig are among the Chinese zodiac signs that we cover. Note that the Chinese calendar is followed by the Chinese horoscope.

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We provide in-depth compatibility analyses for every two signs of the zodiac. Every aspect of love, friendship, business, and family for every sign combination is covered in the compatibility section. The yearly horoscope for signs is covered in the Zodiac yearly section.

§ Privacy:
We respect your privacy!
Unlike many other horoscope apps we DO NOT require ridiculous permissions like locationphone stateaddress book etc… We recommend avoiding apps that require these without proper justification. There are horoscope apps claiming they need your location to deliver you the horoscope. Just check from any other location (ask a friend in another country/state/city) – it will not make the slightest difference and then ask yourself if they lie about that, can you trust anything else they say? We urge you to review permissions carefully and uninstall apps that violate your privacy right away.

Also read Kishan Parivahan Yojana 2023. ખેડૂત યોજના 2023.

§ Permissions Explanation:
• INTERNET – required to download the horoscope
• BOOT – required to be able to re-schedule reminders (if any were set) after phone restart
***Note – this does not have any impact on the battery since the app does not run in the background

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TOS/EULA disclaimer:
By downloading, installing and using the Daily Horoscope application, you agree to our end user license agreement:

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