MDM Tapi Recruitment 2023: Mid Day Meal Tapi has recently opened applications for the positions of District Project Coordinator and Taluka MDM Supervisor. Interested parties should submit their applications by December 21, 2023, at the latest. For additional information, please refer to the official advertisement or the article below for more details.
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For all of the interested applicants searching for jobs at Mid Day Meal Tapi, this is a great opportunity. Please carefully read the article below for additional information about the eligibility process, including important dates, age requirements, selection mode, and educational qualifications. Must thoroughly read the official advertisement before applying as well.
Organization Name | MDM Day Meal ( MDM ) Tapi |
Post name | District Project Co-ordinator, MDM Supervisor |
Vacancies | 06 |
Job Location | Tapi |
Application Mode | Offline |
Education Qualification
- Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.
Age Limit
- Minimum 18 Years
- Maximum 58 Years
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- 15,000/- fixed monthly
Selection Procedure
- Test / Interview
Application Fee
- There is no Application Fee
Application Address
- District Supply Officer, P.M. Nutrition Scheme, Block no. 1 – 2 Collector Office, District Service Sadan Panwadi Vyara, Dist. the heat
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How to Apply ?
- Application Form, Qualification and Conditions for Appointment District Supply Officer, P.M. Nutrition Scheme Office, Block no. 1-2, TAPI-Vyaramanthi Tebh4 can be sent to and
- The application should be sent in the prescribed form through Registered Post A.D./Speed Post. Applications received after the due date will not be considered valid.
- Candidates should read the instructions/guidelines regarding the required qualifications, age limit, experience, type of recruit and remuneration for these posts before applying. P.M. Experience in nutrition (mid-day meal) scheme will be given first preference.
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- Selection list regarding these places District Supply Officer Shri, P.M. It will be posted on the notice board of the Nutrition Scheme office. District Supply Officer for interview/verification of certificates of merit priority candidates, P.M. The nutrition plan will be communicated by TAPI in writing/e-mail.

Important Links:
Note: Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying.
Application Last Date : 21/12/2023 06:10 PM