દરેક વ્યક્તિને નમસ્કાર. મેં તે ખરીદ્યું કારણ કે મને ખબર છે કે આ 10 ખરાબ વ્યવહારો તમારી કિડનીને નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકે છે. નીચેની વિગતો તપાસીને ખાતરી કરો કે તમે આ ભૂલ નથી કરી રહ્યા. જ્ઞાન કિડનીની બીમારીઓ

યોગ્ય બ્લડ પ્રેશર અને વજન જાળવી રાખો. તમારી કિડનીની સ્થિતિ તપાસવા માટે આ સાધનનો ઉપયોગ કરો અને કિડનીની તંદુરસ્તી જાળવવા માટે દરરોજ 8 ગ્લાસ પાણી પીવો.
જો તમને ભૂખ ન લાગવી, ઉલટી થવી, શ્વાસ લેવામાં તકલીફ અથવા અનિદ્રા જેવા લક્ષણોનો અનુભવ થાય તો કુશળ ડૉક્ટરને જોવાની સલાહ આપવામાં આવે છે.
Also read આજનો સોનાનો ભાવ જાણવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.
કિડની રોગની હાજરી રક્તસ્રાવ અથવા રંગીન પેશાબ દ્વારા સૂચવવામાં આવી શકે છે.
જે દર્દીઓને હાઈ બ્લડપ્રેશર અને ડાયાબિટીસ હોય તેમણે તપાસ કરાવવી જોઈએ.

Instances of kidney transplantation are increasing nationwide. However, there are just 15,000 donors for the 2 lakh people who need kidneys. These numbers show two things.
It’s possible that the initial inhabitants had no understanding of kidney disease. As a result, kidney transplantation is a hotly debated subject.
ALSO READ 💥આરોગ્ય વિભાગની વિવિધ જગ્યાઓ માટે ભરતી 2023
Second, individuals who are on the verge of kidney failure find it difficult to undergo transplants due to the lack of available donors.

This is the only way to address both problems. Watch out for anything that could harm your kidneys. Today is World Kidney Day. On this occasion, tell us how to preserve healthy kidneys.

Because of this kidney cases are on the rise
Experts claim that a number of symptoms are evident when the disease first manifests in the kidneys. Some symptoms are also present in other diseases. People therefore frequently ignore it.
Also read✅ગુજરાત બાયોટેકનોલોજી રિસર્ચ સેન્ટર (GBRC) વિવિધ જગ્યાઓ માટે 2023 ભરતી
The terminal stage and severe renal impairment are the results. 90% of renal patients are unaware of their disease as a result.

What are the Kidney Failure-Hierarchy communities?
- Frequent kidney stones
- Diabetes
- Have kidney disease at home
- Hypertension
- Have had kidney disease before
- Heart attack
- People who come to be taking medicine for a long time
- People above 60 years of age
મુખ્યમંત્રી રાહત ફંડ માંથી કિડની ને લગતા રોગો ની સહાય અંગેની માહિતી
સોગંદનામું ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહી ક્લિક કરો
What to do to prevent kidney diseases::
- Exercise regularly
- Matter of controlling blood pressure
- Diabetes needs to be controlled
- Healthy and hygienic food should be taken
- Water should be drunk at regular intervals
- Stones should be to cured in a timely manner
Do not ignore if the urine changes color
Dr. Jaslok Hospital and Research Center, nephrologist. Amjad Khan Pathan asserts that changes in urine’s color or the presence of blood are signs of renal disease. Symptoms can be an indication of kidney stones, tumors, or infections. Additionally, your kidneys may be sick if you frequently wake up throughout the night to urinate or if there is foam in your urine. You should also visit a doctor if you suffer from problems including nausea, vomiting, trouble breathing, muscle cramps, or insomnia.
Here’s How To Check If Your Kidneys Are Healthy
The Jaslok Hospital and Research Center’s director of the nephrology section, Dr. MM Bahadur, claims that tests can be utilized to establish whether or not the kidneys are healthy. If any symptoms arise, have a blood and urine test. This examination evaluates the amounts of creatinine and protein in the blood. A high dose immediately affects the kidneys. કિડનીની બીમારીઓ
Kidney failure is more likely in families where diabetes and high blood pressure run in the family. As a result, such people ought to be examined.
અહીંથી વાંચો સંપૂર્ણ ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ
When was the first World Kidney Day?
In order to raise public awareness of kidney disease and potential treatments, the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations launched World Kidney Day in 2006. Kidney Day is celebrated annually on the second Thursday in March. It has a subject that is decided upon each year. This year’s theme is “Kidney Health for Everyone’s Everywhere.”
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