How recently have you gotten your eyes examined? You have forgotten? You may quickly and for no cost test your vision at home using our eye test. Eye test App
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You should be able to decide whether or not you need to consult an eye doctor after completing the tests. It’s enjoyable to take the vision tests, and you can Facebook-share the results with your friends as well!

The application has 12 types of eye tests
1. An Ishihara Color Blindness test
2. Color Cube GAME to test your vision and speed
3. 4 Amsler grid tests
4. An AMD test for macular degeneration
5. A Glaucoma survey
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6. A Written test aka. how much do you know about the eye?
7. Contrast Sensitivity test
8. Landolt C/Tumbling E test
9. Astigmatism test
10. Duochrome test
11. An OKN Strip test
12. Red Desaturation test

The visual acuity test is a standard component of an eye exam, especially in cases of vision issues. These vision issues can frequently be repaired or fixed at an early age. Permanent vision damage can result from undiagnosed or untreated eyesight issues.
Check to see whether you are colorblind.
A grid of horizontal and vertical lines known as the Amsler grid is used to test for vision issues brought on by alterations to the retina, particularly the macula and the optic nerve.
Millions of people worldwide suffer from the progressive eye disease known as age-related macular degeneration.
A test for contrast sensitivity measures a person’s capacity to distinguish between light and dark.
In much of Europe, the Landolt C optotype is the norm for acuity measurements.
For those who are unable to read the Roman letters, this test serves as the industry standard for visual acuity.
Astigmatism is a disorder of the eyes that makes it challenging to see tiny details, both up close and from a distance.
Test for duochrome
You can use this test to determine if you have long or short sight.
an official examination to check your vision for particular eye issues.
Reddish things may appear dull, washed-out, or faded when the optic nerve is damaged since red is a color that the optic nerve is sensitive to.
Download Eye test App For Android
What to do if I get bad results?
You should consult an eye doctor if your results suggest you could have visual issues. Regular eye exams help to maintain good eye health. Additionally, it enables your doctor to check your vision and adjust your prescriptions as necessary.
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Additionally, you can download eye training apps to maintain and enhance your vision. You need to take better care of your vision and eyes. One of our most critical responsibilities is maintaining good vision. Neglecting eye checkups and treatment can seriously harm your vision.
Take this test if you have any eye issues when using the web browser, to-do apps, calendars, writing messages, or looking through the phone book or call log to see whether you need eye treatment and/or glasses.
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Your visual acuity exam will help you enhance both your visual acuity and your night vision because night vision improves both day and night vision.